Meditation for modern minds

Vedic Meditation with Erin Hoey.

Based in Perth, WA.

Learning Vedic Meditation in Perth with Erin Hoey

We live in a time of paradox.

We’re more connected but less in sync; more productive but less fulfilled; we’re signed in but tuned out.

So we’re all searching

We’re searching for a reprieve from the modern condition; for ways to live with less stress and fewer worries; we’re searching for a way to truly understand what it means to be present, and be fully available for this thing called life.

For something more.

We believe that meditation offers you more. More than stress relief - it’s an ancient art form of mind-body transformation and restoration.

It's an increasing contentment and connection to the expansive. A driver of personal growth, deeper understanding, and the realisation of vibrancy. A broadening of consciousness, an offering of rest and the ultimate coming home.

Meditation is the stillness that moves you and the silence that speaks to you.

“The medicine is inside.

Go inside and get it.”

Oso Hutz

Shift your state of mind 

Practised by thousands of people world-over, Vedic meditation is a simple, natural, ancient technique that anyone can do.

Start where you are.

  • Energy & Sleep

    20 minutes of Vedic Meditation induces a level of rest several times deeper than sleep. This unique state eliminates physiological stress, promoting inner calm, more energy, and less tension throughout the day and deeper, more restful sleep at night.

  • Self Awareness

    Unlock the freedom to respond to life how you choose. After meditating, the mind is fresher, quieter and happier. Awareness naturally moves to a higher baseline setting where feelings of inner contentment become the norm.

  • Relationships

    All too often stress gets in the way of our ability to relate, connect and love in the ways we want to. Not surprisingly as our own health and happiness grows we naturally have more to give and our relationships spontaneously become more harmonious and fulfilling.

  • Stress & Anxiety

    With less tension and more calm, you begin to respond to demands and pressure in a completely different way.

  • Clarity

    Clarity is not something we find, it’s something we connect to. Stress disconnects us from this innate source of inner wisdom. Gain access to your inner truth and more powerful, intuitive levels of thinking and being.

  • Presence

    Break free from racing thoughts and embrace the good that flows from truly being in the moment.



Simple, effective, life changing meditation for everyone.

(including you)

Whether you’re brand new to meditation or an advanced meditator looking to deepen your practice – you’ve come to the right place.

Meditation courses

Meditation courses ✺

Eyes Closed. Mind Open.

Be empowered by highly effective training — meditation, breath work, and practical wisdom to calm the mind and body. Learn to access your deeper ‘being’ state — to engage life with clarity, creativity, vitality and joy. 

Unlike other meditation tools, apps and courses, ours is designed to equip you with a self-sustaining daily meditation practice you’ll enjoy forever.

Teaching all sorts of people, with all kinds of lives, and all different minds, to meditate. Here’s what they are saying…

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From the Journal